Those are the birds circling her head and warning you this chick is flightier than an airport on a holiday. What he's saying to himself: Hear that noise? She doesn't own a cuckoo clock. What she says: "I want to watch you sleep." If it's the concert hall, you might want to consider moving to venues that handle smaller bands and don't sell as many tickets.

If it's your blue-veined piccolo that's the problem, well, that's showbiz, kid. Of course, this doesn't mean you have to check everything off each person's list (if it's not your thing, it's not your thing), but simply sharing your desires and telling them what you want can go a long way toward an amazing sex life.What he's saying to himself: This phrase can be taken one of two ways: either you have an incredibly small instrument or she's accustomed to a much bigger piece of equipment. Whether there's something you want to try or you just want to gauge your partner's fantasies, start by having an open, honest, and judgment-free conversation about it. There are probably things you're a little too shy to ask for in bed too, so hopefully this can serve as inspiration to open up your bedroom dialogue and remind each other that if you don't ask, you'll never know the answer. Don't laugh! I think some girls assume guys don't want to cuddle, so they don't, but we're not going to ask for that, you know?" - Sam, 29 Related: 13 HOT Sex and Love Fantasies You've Probably Had (Because, TV) "What I've always wanted to do is have sex with a girl between her boobs, but I wouldn't want to ask. I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings and have her interpret it like, 'Oh, you don't like me? You need more?'" - Grant, 25 I don't know how!" - Tommy, 26 Related: Ask the Guy Next Door: How Can I Get My Guy to Be Freakier in Bed? I wouldn't want her to ask me to do it back. "I love it when a girl talks dirty, but I would be embarrassed to ask her to do it. I know how wrong that can go." - Bill, 21 "I've always wanted to tie a girl up, but I'm worried about asking for that.

Watch this video to learn more about one of our favorite subjects: orgasms! You can imagine that it could be difficult to ask your partner to be more spontaneous though." - Zaiden, 29 "I like it when women are aggressive and creative take initiative and surprise me. "I wish I could just ask for a blowjob sometimes without feeling like I'm asking to be serviced." - Andrei, 26 Related: ' I Went To Blow-Job School, And Here Are 10 Things I Learned' It would take a lot of alcohol to admit." - Daniel, 24 "Group sex is something I think would be a crazy experience, but there's never been a partner who I would ask for that. "Dominate me! Having to ask kind of defeats the purpose." - Dean, 27 (Add something extra to your sex life with the JimmyJane Form 8 vibe from the Women's Health Boutique.) Their answers may or may not surprise you, but regardless, it's a good reminder that we can all be a little more open behind closed doors. To find out, we asked some men what they're not asking for in the bedroom (but secretly kind of want to). Hey, chances are you have a fantasy or curiosity that you may or may not have worked up the courage to divulge just yet, so what's his? No matter how much crazy-great sex you and your partner might be having, admit it: You've wondered if there's any desire he's holding back.